Thursday 27 June 2013

Yvonne Arnaud Art

As well as trying to get out into the garden now that the weather has made a turn for the better I am putting work together to take part in an exhibition organised by Guildford Arts at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford.

It is running from Wed 10 to Thurs 25 July, Mon to Sat 10-7.30,
 15,16,22,25 July 10 - 6.

The address is:-
The Mill Studio,
Yvonne Arnaud Theatre,

The above excerpt from a piece called 'Circus House' will be there, do drop in if you're in the area.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Zoo Transport

New work on the cutting mat.... Now I have to decide what colour background it should have!